Are we required to have an Iowa permit to register?

A: Yes, we require an Iowa permit to register for any of our courses offered.

My child didn’t receive a certificate after completion of driver education. When will we receive this?

A: The Department of Transportation required all driver education companies to go to an electronic system as of January 1, 2019. If your child has completed driver education the office would’ve submitted her/his completion with the D.O.T. within 15 days after completion. Once your child is eligible for a driver license or school permit, you may take her/him into the D.O.T. with her/his permit. Remember if you are going for a school permit, you’ll need to have her/his school sign off on a school permit form to take with you to the D.O.T. https://iowadot.seamlessdocs.com/f/AffidavitforSchoolLicense

Do I have to take the class if I’m 18 years old?

A: No, in Iowa, the Department of Transportation only requires students under the age of 18 to take driver education to obtain a license or school permit before the age of 18. If you are 18 or older, you may take the written and drive test with the Department of Transportation.

How long do you have to hold an Iowa permit before you can take driver education?

A: To take driver education, you are only required to have an Iowa permit, but we highly recommend some driving experience before they take our course. Recommended 20 plus hours.

Can my child obtain a work permit?

A: Yes, as of July 1, 2024 the DOT has passed a special minor’s restricted license. See information here from the Department of transportation: https://iowadot.gov/mvd/resources/MM690_MSLCard.pdf

What happens if my child gets sick and can’t make a scheduled drive time?

A: If your child happens to be sick or an emergency occurred, we require a parent or child to call the drive instructor and give at least a two-hour notice on cancellation of the drive time. The drive time will need to be made up based on the schedule the drive instructor has available. A $40 rescheduling fee may occur. See more information under About Us and under Our Policies.

My child has some anxiety while driving. Do you have any advice to help them through this?

A: Very few children don’t have anxiety while driving. The only way to get through this is to have your child drive. Start them in areas without traffic (empty parking lots, fairground areas, etc.) The more experience they get, the less anxiety they will have.

What does it mean if my child is Drive Test Required (DTR’ed)?

A: This means your child needs more practice behind the wheel before we feel they will be safe driving on their own without a parent and/or guardian in the vehicle with them. Once the parent and/or guardian feels their child is doing well and has improved behind the wheel, they are eligible to obtain a license or school permit. Then you’ll need to call your local Department of Transportation to schedule a drive test. Once they pass the drive test, then they will be issued their license or school permit.

I haven’t heard anything yet and I don’t know where to take my child or the schedule?

A: When you register for our course online, it states the date range your child will be driving with our instructor. A reminder phone call and email will go out to the primary phone number and email address you put on the registration form the Friday before the course starts. It will have the online coursework that your child will need to work on during the date range you signed up for. Most locations your child’s driving instructor will schedule six drive lessons over the phone or by email with the parents directly a few days before the course is to start. These six drive lessons will be two to three hours in length. The instructor should give each parent their name and cell number, where to meet, dates and times your child needs to be there for their driving lessons.